Germany, France and the UK have tabled a UN resolution calling for an end to human rights violations in Syria.
The resolution, which also calls for the implementation of an Arab League plan to end the violence, was also backed by four Arab countries.With the UN Security Council divided on Syria, the resolution has been tabled in a committee of the General Assembly.
Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Syrian violence was becoming "similar to civil war".
He was speaking a day after renegade soldiers were reported to have attacked a key government army base outside Damascus.
The BBC's Barbara Plett, at the UN in New York, says that with Russia and China having vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning government violence in Syria, European nations are looking for a new route to condemn the Syrian government.
They have turned to a key committee of the General Assembly where there are no vetoes.
The fact that Thursday's move was backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Morocco is significant, our correspondent says.
Western diplomats hope that a leading Arab role will eventually help overcome opposition in the Security Council, because requests from the region where the conflict is taking place strongly influence the positions of members, our correspondent says.
If approved, it is virtually certain to be adopted by the 193-member General Assembly.
On Wednesday the Arab League - which has suspended Syria - gave Damascus three days to end "bloody repression" and allow in teams of international monitors.
It has threatened Syria with sanctions if it does not co-operate.
Rebel attack Unconfirmed reports said six government soldiers died when renegade soldiers known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) attacked the Air Force Intelligence building in Harasta early on Wednesday.
Mr Lavrov said such attacks were "completely similar to real civil war".
China said on Thursday it was "highly concerned" by the rising violence.
The Arab League plan, drawn up earlier this month, calls on Syria to withdraw tanks from restive cities, cease its attacks on protesters and engage in dialogue with the opposition within two weeks.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad agreed to the plan, but failed to honour it.
More than 370 people have been killed since then, say rights groups, in what appears to be the bloodiest month in the eight-month uprising.
The UN says more than 3,500 people have died since protests started in March. Syrian authorities blame the violence on armed gangs and militants.
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