Sunday 17 July 2011

Col Gaddafi vows he will never leave Libya 17 July 2011 Last updated at 08:14 GMT

A Libyan soldier watches as supporters of Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi take part in a rally in the town of Zawiya, 16 July 2011 - photo taken on government guided tour Col Gaddafi's speech was broadcast over loudspeakers in Zawiya
Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has again vowed never to leave Libya, the "land of his ancestors".
His speech was broadcast to supporters in the city of Zawiya, which was taken back from rebels after fierce fighting in the early stages of the revolt.
The remarks came after the US decided to recognise the opposition as Libya's "legitimate governing authority".
Overnight, blasts rocked Tripoli, as fighting continued elsewhere, including around the eastern port of Brega.
Col Gaddafi stressed his intention to remain in power.
"They're asking me to leave," he said. "I will never leave the land of my ancestors or the people who have sacrificed themselves for me."
His speech was broadcast over loudspeakers in Zawiya, a town some 50km (30 miles) west of the capital which was controlled by rebel forces early on in the fighting and only retaken after a bitter battle.
It was the third address by Col Gaddafi in recent days apparently aimed at showing the support he enjoys in towns where his forces are in control.
On Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the US no longer regarded him as the legitimate authority, and would recognise the Transnational Council (TNC), joining some 30 countries to do so.
The move means billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.
Stalemate Early on Sunday, more than a dozen explosions were heard in Tripoli, accompanied by the sound of fighter aircraft.
Plumes of smoke were seen and rumbling blasts were reported to have continued for at least an hour.
Libyan television said civilian and military targets had been hit in the eastern suburb of Tajoura; it said there were casualties, but gave no details.
More than 10 rebels were reported to have been killed as they tried to advance on the key oil port of Brega. It was not known if any government forces had been killed.
The conflict in Libya appears to be in a protracted stalemate. Rebels are holding eastern Libya and pockets in the west.
Col Gaddafi remains entrenched in Tripoli, despite the Nato bombing campaign.
International sanctions have also been imposed and international arrest warrants issued against leading figures in the Libyan regime.
Western and Arab members of the Libya Contact Group are drawing up a plan to end hostilities, which will be presented to Col Gaddafi.

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