Monday 12 September 2011

Australia migrants: Gillard to pursue Malaysia swaps

Julia Gillard, file image Julia Gillard said she was determined the Malaysia arrangement would be pursued
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard says her government wants to revive an asylum-seeker swap deal with Malaysia.
She spoke after receiving the backing of her Labor Party caucus for proposed legislative changes to the Migration Act to allow such an arrangement.
Australia's High Court ruled this month that her plan to send 800 asylum-seekers to Malaysia in return for 4,000 processed refugees was unlawful.
The ruling threw the controversial plan to control immigration into disarray.
The plan - dubbed the Malaysia Solution - was supposed to send a tough message to boat people that they would not be processed in Australia.
The court ruled that Malaysia did not offer adequate protection for refugees.
"We are determined to pursue the arrangement we have made with Malaysia," Ms Gillard said.
"But the amendments we will bring to the parliament will be broad amendments which will restore to executive government the ability to make the arrangements that it sees fit for the transfer and processing of asylum seekers in third countries," she said.

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